Antipodean Rare Books

Antipodean Rare Books

Vellum books + G.Puccini letter 1700's

Thoughtful Research

  1. In An Unspoken Voice, Peter Levine
  2. Man's Search For Meaning, Victor Frankl
  3. How Art Made The World, Nigel Spivey
  4. Handbook to Higher Consciousness, Ken Keyes Jr.
  5. Quadrivium, classical liberal arts of Number, Geometry, Music + Cosmology
  6. The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz
  7. Wired to Create, Scott Barry Kaufman + Carolyn Gregoire
  8. Happy Money - Ken Honda
  • - research on heart intelligence
  • - support for people with breast + ovarian cancer
  • Royal Society for the Arts - - global community of problem solvers
  • The Earth Institute - - state of the planet